Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Sister, Connie

In the tapestry of living that I mentioned, there are very unique unexpected losses, not the deaths, not the absolutes, but the relationships that you know and believe in that turn in ways you cannot fathom.

My sister has always been the one I loved and believed in from my youth, she was a foundation that I trusted beyond any other. After 40 years, how could that change with no discernable reason and how does it affect your faith?

My instincts have always been good, it is proven in my life...but how did I lose my sister? I believe that she lost herself, but that is never enough, I love her too much for anything to ever be enough....

Someday maybe she will know I was always there.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

When we touch in spirit...

My life has always felt to be lived on several levels. There is the tangible earthly self that goes to work, the bank and the grocery store, embracing the deeds of living. There is the internal self that thinks alone in the dark in the middle of the night, with all points leading within. And the spiritual self that transcends all of becoming a mutual partner in love, in pain, in knowledge and reflection, with other beautiful counterparts on this journey.

How do we learn to be the very best we can be? How do we melt our truest of selves into all aspects and become a leader for humanity...a trusted soldier of happiness?


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

~~~ A Great Day to Begin! XOXO

The tapestry of my life's landscape has been rich with love and laughter, beautiful memories & amazing, lovely souls. The journey has been filled with the wonders of being an adventurous child, a bold teenager, a daughter, a sister, a happy mother, a businesswoman and a close friend to many. I have loved passionately, living from the heart, hoping to bring joy to all those I love and care for. I have succeeded and I have failed, I have screamed in joy and in sorrow, danced in laughter and played in the sand. I have searched, I have found and I have lost. All which have molded my character and my heart to this day where I find countless memories roll through me in every quiet moment...I will bring them here.

With love to all!